Component: refers to a physical part of a water system that is being monitored by the system (e.g., tank, well, water meter)
Mote: refers to a communication device that collects information from a monitored component and sends that information to the server.
Please ensure your user is set up with an “Installer” Role on the applicable water system. An “installer” role is required to add, edit, swap, or remove motes or components on a system. Another user with an “Owner” or “Installer” Role on the system can add you as an “Installer” Role if needed.
How to remove a mote
If a new mote is swapped in to replace an existing mote, it is important to remove the old mote from the system. If the old mote remains on the system, alerts will continue to be triggered for the mote, even if it is offline or physically removed.
Please note that you cannot remove a mote that is still linked to an active component. You must swap the mote linked to the component for a new one or remove the component before removing the mote.
An installer can remove a mote by doing the following:
- Log in to the web app: (note: this action is not available on the mobile app)
- Select the system with the mote you want to edit
- Under Devices, select Motes
- Find the mote in the list
- Select the three dots on the right-hand side of that mote
- Select Remove (You will be asked if you’re sure you’d like to do this)a. Select Yes
That’s it! You’ve removed the mote from the system.