Understanding the status of your meter.base
You can check the status of the meter.base associated with your water system by filtering your component list to “meter.bases” on mobile or navigating to the “meter.base” tab on web.
Mobile app view filter
Web app view filter
Troubleshooting your offline meter.base
If your meter.base is showing “Offline” status, click on the appropriate article for the meter.base model that you need to troubleshoot.
Mikrotik LR9 troubleshooting guide
This is the most common meter.base, and typically connects to your internet service via Ethernet cable. A few LR9 meter.bases will connect over WiFi.
Browan MiniHub Pro troubleshooting guide
This meter.base plugs directly into an outlet or is powered by an extended cable and connects to your internet service via WiFi.
Milesight SG50 troubleshooting guide
This meter.base is installed outdoors and is solar-powered. It connects to the cloud via LTE.
RAK 7289 troubleshooting
This meter.base is typically installed outdoors and operates from local power. It can connect to the cloud via Ethernet or LTE. This is a rarely-used meter.base. If you are having trouble with your RAK7289 meter.base, please reach out to your installer or support@meter.me to troubleshoot this device.