End Users: Getting Started with Organizations in meter.me

Getting Started with Organizations in meter.me for End Users

What is an Organization?

An Organization is an entity that groups users and systems together. Organizations make it easier to manage users and work with your system integrator or installers. Once you update your app and log in, you’ll see your system(s) grouped into organization(s).

How to check which organization you’re currently using:

  1. Select the hamburger icon in the upper left corner of the app
  2. View the organization listed below the meter.me logo in your side menu bar


How to switch organizations

  1. Select the hamburger icon in the upper left corner of the app
  2. Select “Switch organizations”
  3. You’ll see a list of the organizations you’re a member of and can select one to view

What else is new?

With the transition to organizations, we’ve moved some things around to optimize your experience in the app.

  1. Users: While in the previous app versions users could be added to or removed from water systems, in the new app users are now managed within an organization.

  2. To manage users select “View organization” > select the menu icon in the upper right > select “Users”

  1. System settings: The system settings are now available under the menu button in the main view (component list) of each system

  2. To manage system settings navigate to the system you want to manage, in the components list select the menu icon in the upper right corner > select “System settings”

  1. About meter.me: The current app version is now listed on the side bar and if you tap it you’ll see some additional information about meter.me including links to the latest Terms of Use and Privacy Policy as well as Release Notes

That’s about it! Once you’ve selected the organization you’ll use and the system you want to view, the app will look very familiar. You can monitor your components or view them on the map and view and manage alerts in all the same places as you did before.

Any questions? Reach out to us at support@meter.me