Coming soon to Organizations
We’re excited to announce the introduction of organizations to the app next month.
What is an Organization?
An Organization is an entity that groups users and systems together. Organizations make it easier to manage your customers and their systems. Every partner, such as yourself, and every customer will have an organization associated with their account. Each customer system will be linked to an organization.
What’s new?
As a channel partner, you’ll now be able to create customer organizations and systems within them. You and your team will be able to view and manage all your customer’s organizations and systems without inviting each team member to each individual system. With organizations, we’ll be introducing a number of new features to the app which will make it easier for you to deploy and manage your customer’s systems.
Here are a few of the things you can do with the new app version:
- Create new organizations for your customers
- Create water systems within your customer’s organizations
- Invite customers to the app
- Invite new team members to your partner organization
- View and manage your customers’ organizations
Along with the new functionality, you’ll notice a few differences in how the app looks.
Here’s a sneak peak
When you log in, you’ll be able to select your organization:
Mobile app
Web app
The app has a new look and layout in order to incorporate organizations:
Mobile app
Web app
Users are now managed in organizations rather than systems:
Mobile app
Web app
A few things to note:
- Once you invite a team member to your partner organization, they’ll gain access to your customers’ organizations in accordance with the permissions of their user role.
- Customers will not see all your individual team members in their organization, they’ll just see that your organization manages their systems.
- All your team members will by default be alerted when your customer’s motes go offline or have low battery. Each team member can disable these alerts for themselves for any motes as needed.
- When we release the new app, we’ll automatically migrate your team members, customers and systems into your partner organization so once you update and open the app, you’ll see your organization and your customers’ organizations and systems.