What is an Organization?
An Organization is an entity that groups users and systems together. Organizations make it easier to manage users and work with your systems integrator or installers. In the new meter.me app, every user will have at least one organization associated with their account and system(s) so you’ll notice a few differences to how the app looks.
A quick overview
When you login, you’ll be able to select your organization:
Mobile app
Web app
The new app layout:
Mobile app
Web app
Users are now managed in organizations rather than systems:
Mobile app
Web app
That’s it! Once you’ve selected the organization you’ll use and the system you want to view, the app will look very familiar. You can monitor your components or view them on the map and view and manage alerts in all the same places as you did before in the new app.
Any questions? Reach out to us at support@meter.me.