Can I reset the count on my water meter?

While some discrepancies in water meter readings are expected, when readings differ greatly from app to physical meter, you may want to reset the water meter counter. To do so, follow the steps below. This can be done from the mobile and web app.

From the mobile app:

  1. Log in to the mobile app with your account
  2. Select the system that contains the component you are updating
  3. Select the component you are updating
  4. Select the Gear Icon in the top right corner of the screen
  5. Update the meter reading with the new value in the Current Counter field
  6. Select Save (you may have to select ‘done’ on your keyboard first)

From the web app:

  1. Log in to the web app with your account
  2. Select the system that contains the component you are updating
  3. Select the 3 dots to the right of the component you are updating
  4. Select Edit
  5. Update the meter reading with the new value in the Current Counter field
  6. Select Save

And that’s it! You have successfully updated your water meter count.