How to troubleshoot an offline mote

Installers can utilize the signal & battery status graphs to help troubleshoot an offline mote.

For detailed instructions on how to view the signal and battery graphs, check out: Installer Tools: mote signal and battery graphs

For instructions on how to add meter.base visibility to a site, check out: meter.base Visibility

If a mote has gone offline:

  1. Check the mote’s signal via the web app
    a. Ensure the mote had an acceptable signal before going offline.
    • An acceptable signal is: RSSI greater than -100 (e.g. -99, -98) and SNR greater than 0 (e.g. 2, 5).
    • A gradual decrease in signal strength could indicate a mote with an antenna that has been moved or potential interference or signal blockage between the mote and meter.base
    • A sudden loss of signal to a mote could indicate that the local meter.base has gone offline due to damage, being unplugged by someone on-site, or a loss of power caused by a power outage. This could also indicate an issue caused by physical damage to the mote
    • An erratic change in signal levels could indicate issues with an internal component of the mote
  2. Check the historical battery data via the web app
    a. Ensure the mote had adequate battery level before going offline
    • A gradual decrease in battery level could indicate a dirty and/or obstructed solar panel to the mote. The mote could also be in a position that does not receive adequate sunlight
    • A rapid loss in battery level could indicate an internal issue with the mote’s battery
    • An erratic change in battery levels could indicate issues with an internal component of the mote